Thursday, October 4, 2012

Food Recipes: Cheese and Pregnancy

Reports in the news constantly tell us of foods we can and can't eat; foods that make us ill or overweight or increase the risk of such-and-such. There are so many differing views on cheese and what you should or should not eat during pregnancy that it becomes confusing, adding to the long lists of do's and dont's pregnant women have to adhere to.
The best foods to eat during pregnancy are those that supply essential vitamins, minerals, lean protein, and energy, in short - fresh food! Avoid as much processed food or ready meals as possible. You and your baby don't need all those E numbers, salts, sugars and additives!
Dairy foods such as cheese and yogurt are important in pregnancy because they are great sources of calcium and protein. Calcium helps your unborn baby's developing bones to form properly and protein is needed for growth and repair.
There are cheeses that are advisable to avoid during pregnancy due to the risk (albeit a very small risk) of contracting listeriosis. Listeria is a bacteria found in the soil where the cows, sheep and goats graze. If cheese is unpasteurised there is a risk of listeria being present in the cheese which can cause serious, if not fatal damage to an unborn or newborn baby. However, if the milk is pasteurised, heated or cooked, the bacteria, in most cases are killed. Blue-veined cheeses and soft-cheeses are unadvisable during pregnancy, even if they are pasteurised. These blue and soft cheeses provide the perfect acidic, moist environment for listeria to grow. But it's not all bad news! If you cook these cheeses thoroughly until piping hot all the way through they are generally safe to eat. And it gets even better - all hard cheeses are generally considered safe to eat, even if they are unpasteurised.
If you want to be zealous about what you do and don't eat it's totally up to you, or you can live as the French do. A lot of French women eat whatever they want, including soft cheese. With an infant mortality rate of 3.2 per 1000 babies (4.6 in UK) and a life expectancy of 81.5 years old (79.9 in UK) - they must be doing something right. According to the CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention) the cases of listeriosis in unborn or newborn babies has not increased in recent years and is in fact more common in people above the age of 60.
*Please note, it's always best to talk to your doctor or health advisor if you have any serious queries or concerns.*
The Cheeseworks have for many years supplied the residents and restaurants of Cheltenham and the Cotswolds with a variety of cheese gifts, cheese hampers and a host of other goodies. The Cheeseworks also have their own online cheese shop, from which their cheese are made available to a wider market.
Article Source: 1

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